We know that a great selection of music could lighten up your day, night, and everything in between. Based on that, we decided to start a monthly series of music playlists, curated by special guests and contributors around; from musicians, artists, DJs, to our beloved friends.
In the 15th edition of PC Radio’s playlist series, we asked Greedy Dust.
Greedy Dust is a music label from East Java that represents Hardcore Culture as their artistic reference.
In this playlist, Delpi & Jaka as artistic directors of Greedy Dust collect Hardcore bands from various regions and various eras which at this time become a personal reference with their respective bands which also become their daily playlist.
We also asked Greedy Dust about whats this playlist about and the meaning behind all these songs is “Listen to these songs, and let it all burn down your weakness and your lies” – Greedy Dust
Catch what’s Greedy Dust recently doing here