We know that a great selection of music could lighten up your day, night, and everything in between. Based on that, we decided to start a monthly series of music playlists, curated by special guests and contributors around; from musicians, artists, DJs, to our beloved friends.

We know that Omar Prazhari—the frontman of indie-pop unit Atsea and one of the members of the newly formed post-punk group, Glyph Talk—has a quite interesting taste in music; judging from his band’s music and when he plays as one of the DJs of the Kolibri Rekords.

When we asked him to put out a playlist for our Public Culture Plays series, he arranged some songs that resembled his day-to-day pace for the last year or so, as he stated. Living his life as a video producer for VICE Indonesia and being a musician on the side, music has always been an integral part of his intense routine.  “I’ve been listening to a lot of ambient music in the morning and late at night to balance out the hectic schedule I usually endure during the daytime. I’ve also been revisiting a lot of disco, house, and dub (because I miss DJ-ing so much) and those songs really help me boost my energy when I’m at work,” he said.

Go listen to Omar’s playlist below: