Merdi Simanjuntak of Diskoria. (photo credit: Merdi Simanjuntak)

We know that a great selection of music could lighten up your day, night, and everything in between. Based on that, we decided to start a monthly series of music playlists, curated by special guests and contributors around; from musicians, artists, DJs, to our beloved friends.

Merdi Simanjuntak has been on the Indonesian music and dance scene for more than two decades. He’s established himself as a prominent figure who exactly knows what he’s doing, either as a musician (then) and as a DJ (now). As the half of the Indonesian disco selector group called Diskoria, for the past few years, he and his partner have succeeded in bringing back some classic Indonesian disco and pop jams to life, to become more popular than ever before.

With his wide-range musical taste, we figured he’d be a perfect person to put together a playlist for you all. Of course, Merdi came through with a diverse tracklist—the best representation of his hope, feeling, and desire, as he told us the reason why he picked all the songs in it.

So, please welcome the very first installment of the Public Culture Plays, curated by Merdi Simanjuntak, below.